Get Rid of Roof Mold Once and For All

Most of us who own a home, have a hard time not getting freaked out at the sight of mold. Its nasty, its ugly, and in some cases, it can even make you sick! The stuff grows everywhere and can be found in many areas of the home- old food in the fridge, the drains in the bathroom, the mulch in the garden, and yes, it can even grow on your roof! Thankfully, if your roof gets moldy you don’t have to throw it out like the food in the fridge and you can clean it up unlike the mold in the garden.  You can take back your roof and get it back to a beautiful look easily if you know what to do. Here’s how to get rid of roof mold,  clean your roof, and keep that nasty stuff from coming back.

Roof Mold- What’s in a Name

A lot of the dark blotches and streaks that can be seen running down the shingles of roofs in the area is not actually mold, but is usually a form of algae. Chances are though you could care less what it is, you just want it gone and off your roof! Mold also can grow on the roof when plant materials and dirt accumulate in the cracks and crevices of the shingles or tiles. Thankfully there many cleaning products available that can get algae and mold off your roof safely and effectively. You can’t do anything to prevent algae and mold spores from getting thrown around in the air and landing on your roof.  You can slow down the growth however by keeping your roof clean of leaf debris and organic matter so there is less for it to grow on!

Get Rid Roof Mold Easily

Traditional cleaning methods for dirty roofs involved using a bleach and water solution that was sprayed on the roof and allowed to sit for 10-15 minute sand then rinsed off. This can get your roof clean but it can damage your roof if the bleach concentration is too strong or harm plants and grass under the roof when the solution is rinsed off. There are natural organize cleaning solutions on the market today that can be used to get rid of roof mold safely without the risk to your home, plants, pets, or family. One drawback of these cleaning solutions is that because they are not using chemical cleaners, they take a little time and repeated use to get full results and they have to be reapplied on a regular basis every few weeks or months.

A Better Way to Clean Your Roof

The best option for cleaning off mold and algae is to call in the professionals and let them take care of things for you. They have the tools, equipment, products, and skills needed to get rid of roof mold safely and effectively.  You will not have to worry about doing something wrong that damages your roof or fighting a constant battle of trying to get rid of roof mold. The experts can handle everything for you and you will have more time to enjoy your home rather than sweating away for hours on end up on the roof. DIY projects are popular for around-the-house projects but work that involves the roof is best left to the professionals and the experts who have the experience needed to do it right.

Prevent Roof Mold Down the Road

There are some simple steps you can take to get rid of roof mold and keep it from returning and causing problems. The simplest option is to apply a cleaning or treatment product that is made for long-term mold killing. Another popular trick homeowners have used as a preventative measure is to install zinc or copper strips on the top ridge. You simply slip the strips under the shingles, leaving the metal partially exposed, and nail the strips in place. These metals have natural elements that fight old growth and kill organic compounds that can lead to mold and algae growth. You can also work to keep your home from being overly shady and damp by trimming back tree branches so the sun can reach your roof and dry it out.

Contact Us Today

Most homeowners get a little sick to their stomach at the sight of mold, whether it is in the kitchen, bathroom, garden, or roof. Thankfully, if your roof gets moldy you have options and don’t have to throw it out like moldy food or replace it like moldy potting soil. Today we have gone over some of the ways you can get rid of roof mold and keep it from coming back. For professional help and assistance with all of your roof maintenance, care, and replacement needs, contact us today at Stay Dry Roofing. Our team of experts can get to the bottom of your mod issues, find effective ways to remove and prevent mold growth and keep your roof looking great all year round.  Call us now and get rid of roof mold once and for all!