End-of-Summer Roof Maintenance and Safety Tips for Your Home

Tips For Protecting Your Roof

With summer coming to a close, it’s an ideal time to inspect your home for potential problems. While you can initiate these tasks yourself, the value of professional expertise can prove essential. By delegating to professional contractors, you’ll ensure that pre-winter maintenance tasks are done right. The trusted roofing experts at Stay Dry Roofing are here to help you along with the first three tips.

Roof Maintenance Inspection

During the summer months, your roof is likely to have endured some significant wear and tear from summer storms that brought winds, rain, and possibly hail. That’s why it’s important that professionals inspect the structural integrity of your roof as the seasons change. Although you might be able to spot curled, cracked, or missing shingles, your eye is probably not so trained in spotting damage to flashing, eaves, mortar, or chimneys. All of these elements need to be in good condition to withstand the upcoming harsh winter conditions.

Clean the Gutters

Gutters are frustrating for many homeowners as they can leak as a result of summer rainfall, then fill with leaves from autumn winds, and ultimately overflow as snow melts in the winter. To reduce the risk of clogging and structural damage, your gutters should be cleaned twice a year. Having this done once in spring and once in the fall by a professional roofing company will not only keep your gutters free of debris, but will also allow them to inspect bolts, brackets, and seams. The experts can also recommend the best gutter cover and leaf guard solutions to help prevent clogging.

Trim Your Trees

Hopefully, you witnessed your trees growing abundantly during the spring and summer. However, those beautifully leafed-out limbs may have grown a little too close to your home for comfort. Overhanging branches can scrape your roof and even puncture your shingles. In addition, fallen leaves can contribute to clogged gutters. Once your roof maintenance inspection is complete, your roofing contractor can make you aware of any tree trimming that can greatly reduce your overall potential for roof damage. They should also be able to recommend reputable arborists in your area to complete the job.

Now for some safety and energy-saving tips to safeguard your family and your budget during the colder months.

Check Window Seals

Changes in temperature can cause window seals to shrink and/or crack. Inspect all windows for leaks and drafts that can affect your family’s health and comfort level, encourage mold growth, and spike your energy bills. These issues can be corrected by adding new weather stripping or even replacing faulty windows.

Repair and Illuminate Walkways

It’s important for your family’s safety, as well as the safety of your guests, to have smooth walkways for approaching your home. Ensuring that cracks, holes, and buckles in walkways are repaired before winter will also ensure that you can easily clear them of ice and snow. In addition, consider adding lighting along borders of walkways to prepare for reduced daylight when guests arrive for trick-or-treating or holiday gatherings.

Clean the Chimney and Add a Chimney Cap

Homeowners often overlook the importance of this safety tip. After all, it’s not often that we look inside our chimneys. However, a yearly chimney cleaning can help protect against fires. Furthermore, a chimney cap can prevent disease-carrying rodents from entering your home.

No roof lasts forever, but you can help yours last as long as possible by being vigilant with seasonal maintenance tips. And there’s always room for saving money and energy, as well as taking safety measures for your family and guests. For more information about how to extend your roof’s lifespan, contact the expert team at Stay Dry Roofing. We also have valuable connections to other local contractors you can contact to keep other aspects of your home safe.